The nervous sea seemed to communicate, " I know something that you don't know. A storm is coming. Cyclone Evan is on his way!"
The water was rough and wild, barely suitable to step into, let alone consider swimming or boogie-boarding. That would have to wait for another day. (That being said, a few experienced surfers ventured far off shore to catch the ride of their lives. They showed off some amazing stunts, but I dare say they were just plain crazy!)
All other signs around the beach that day pointed to peace and safety, but the sea was calling out a warning. This has got me thinking about Christmas. How, you say?
Before Christ 's first advent (coming) at Christmas, there existed a period of 400 years of perceived silence from God. During this time between what we know as the Old and New Testaments, there were no prophets, judges, or even angels to bring God’s word and instruction to his people. It seemed as if God had gone silent, leaving his creation to fend for themselves and find their own way out of their mess.
Before Christ 's first advent (coming) at Christmas, there existed a period of 400 years of perceived silence from God. During this time between what we know as the Old and New Testaments, there were no prophets, judges, or even angels to bring God’s word and instruction to his people. It seemed as if God had gone silent, leaving his creation to fend for themselves and find their own way out of their mess.
I dare say that some living in that era thought to themselves, “Well, that must have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. We’ve finally done it. We've sinned one too many times and now have completely cut ourselves off from God. I guess we’ll just have to accept the fact that there remains no help for us and we must find our own way to be righteous, our own way to appease the Almighty. It’s up to us to makes sense out of this world.”
And then it happened.
400 years of darkness and silence, an angel is given a summons to break the sound barrier. .. the one that had kept the
people from hearing from God for so many years. His message was that
NOW was the appointed time for the ultimate Word of God to come to them! And this time that word would not be in the form of second-hand messages from prophets or judges as in the past. Now the Word would come straight
from God. In fact, the Word would be God himself!
No middle-man required.
No need for a priest to stand between the people and God. Now this people walking in the darkness of
uncertainty about the future would not just receive a word from God; they would
be the recipients of THE Word of God! God himself would make this journey to
earth. Any other way simply would not suffice. He had to do it himself.
God himself would be the way out of the mess.
In fact, God in Jesus said, “I am the Way,
the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to
the Father except through me.” Basically
Jesus is saying that this earth is where the mess is at. The Father is where the mess is not. You need a way to get out of the mess so that
you’re not trapped in it for eternity.
.. and I am the way out!”
The message of HOPE had broken the silence in the form of
the cry of the Son of God.
It’s almost as if that 400 year period of waiting to hear
from God was like the calm before a great storm. Let me explain. I come from Kansas in the USA where tornadoes and severe weather are par for the course every spring. Often right before an approaching storm there exists an eerie
calm when everything goes still, as if the earth is holding its breath,
just waiting to let it blow.
And then it happens.
The storm makes a grand entrance . . and you
had better be prepared to ride it out! That the period of waiting for the Messiah to be born was like the calm before a great storm.
It is the storm of
God’s love that would bring the collision of a beautiful baby’s cry with a
terrible cross, resulting in the salvation of all who would dare enter into the
eye of that tempest and there find perfect peace. It’s a storm where the Light of the World,
who is Jesus Christ, in his loving fury swallows up the dark, sin-filled
humanity like a tornado that overcomes any and everything in its path.
You might be a bit unsettled at the thought of comparing God
to something as destructive as a tornado or tropical storm. ‘"That’s a bit negative", you might think. It's not what we normally think of at Christmas
when we turn our attention to the humble baby Jesus, God incarnate in
vulnerable and broken human flesh. But consider this, God is ferocious about destroying sin!
He is relentless about annihilating evil, because evil and sin bring ruin to you and me, whom God loves so much! As 1 John 3:8 says, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” So the next time that the roar of the waves you hear is a bit more intense than usual, remember what the sea told us that day, "A storm is coming."
The storm of God's love.
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