For you North Americans who have driven in Europe, Australia or the UK, you know that driving on the left side of the road can be a bit exhausting at first. It's a bit discombobulating when all the natural patterns and instincts you once relied upon are no longer natural; in fact, quite the opposite. You are operating from a different mental framework, one that is upside down, inside out, and requires effort.
I'm often verbally reminding myself to stay left. .. keep the driver in the middle of the road. . .no left turns on red. . . blinker is on the right . .. shift with the left hand . .. keep your eyes on the road, etc. Sounds silly, I know.
As I take to the "other" side of the road here in New Zealand, my eyes are wide open. . . not only to see the traffic ahead of me, but to see the way of the Master.
ps- thought you'd enjoy a few more pics of the beauty of New Zealand!
I love this Alison!! And I love reading your blog and seeing what God is doing in and through you in New Zealand. I miss working with you and seeing you every day but I get great joy seeing what you are doing now!!