Waiting for hope.
Waiting for light.
Waiting for resurrection.
Waiting for God. While down in Hamilton we celebrated Thanksgiving with a whole houseful of friends from all over the world. Thanks to Jenna's mom's handiwork, we had all the fixins: turkey (though extremely expensive here!), cornbread dressing, cranberry stuffing, pumpkin pie, and all the yummy extras. :-)
I also had the great joy of joining in on a Bible in Schools class at one of the local schools. Interestingly enough, as secular as Kiwi culture is, they still allow the Bible to actually taught in the public schools! What an open door for ministry! Not all schools allow this, as it is at the mercy of the opinions of each school's board of trustees and principal, but for those that do, we are thankful! Oh to be in the classroom again- I miss it!
Lastly, yours truly finally got behind the wheel and drove a little bit here in New Zealand! Next task- actually getting a car of my own!
Thanksgiving has passed, but my thankfulness has not. Advent is here, but I am no longer waiting. God is with me, with you, wherever you find yourself on this planet. Be thankful.
Blessings to you for doing His work. You are a true example of a Christ follower, being open to following where He is leading you. Happy Advent to you! : )